华州景县西区法官Mark Chow讲述他的传奇人生

Mark Chow是华盛顿州首个华裔民选官员周马双金(Ruby Chow,King County Council Member)的儿子,他妹妹Cheryl Chow是西雅图市首个华裔市政厅议员。Mark小时候随住在他们家的李小龙习武,上大学时是大学橄榄球队成员。拿到法律博士学位后先后担任检察官、律师、市政府官员等职,30岁即成为西雅图市长的律师。24年前,他获选景县西区法官,此后又连任八次,西雅图地区一些著名的案子,都是他经手的,比如轰动一时的中国留学生开车撞死两人,后来支付200万美元取保候审的案件。对于社区的华人,他有很多建议,他说:“华人要帮助华人”。

专访King County西区法官Mark Chow(4月15日,小元、吕灵主持,嘉宾:Mark Chow)

2 comments on “华州景县西区法官Mark Chow讲述他的传奇人生

  1. You can discuss the several candidates for Sea.City Council’s vacancy from Sally Clark who has served for many terms but decided to work deeply as an “Insider”.
    Three out of 8 Whoever selected from the Mayor’s off. would then undergo gene-
    ral election later on. (We haven’t had an Asian council-person for > several years,
    ever since Cheryl CHOW left from sick-leave. We as immigrated Chinese, must
    unite and support a best Chinese candidate, if appropriate.
