为什么他们将是最胜任的市议员 — 专访墨瑟岛市议员候选人Lisa Anderl和Michael Curry

西雅图中文电台本期《美国故事》邀请到了默瑟岛的两位市议员候选人,丽莎·安德尔(Lisa Anderl)和迈克尔·库里(Michael Curry)。




小元:亲爱的听众朋友们晚上好!欢迎收听西雅图中文电台《美国故事》栏目。我是小元。今天我们非常有幸地请到默瑟岛的两位是议员的候选人,他们分别是Lisa Anderl,还有Michael Curry,欢迎两位。

(通过翻译雅秋,下同)Welcome to you,Lisa Anderl and Michael Curry。

小元:也感谢雅秋老师担任本次采访的翻译。首先我简单用中文介绍一下两位候选人的基本情况。Lisa Anderl 既是一个面包坊的主人,也是一位律师,在默瑟岛经营了27年,她担任默瑟岛的市议员已经有两年,现在是在竞选连任。

Michael Curry 曾经是美国陆军的一位成员,也在西雅图地区多家科技公司任职,他业余时间也在一个犹太人的社区中心和默瑟岛的男孩和女孩俱乐部,Boys & Girls club做教练。他们的经历都非常的独特,我们有幸地欢迎两位参加我们的节目。


The first question that I like to raise I can you please tell us about your personal experience,including your education and what’s your work experience so that our audience can get to know you?

Lisa Anderl:Thank you. I am an attorney and I’ve been practicing law for about 35 years. I went to Gonzaga Undergraduate and Law school.


Lisa Anderl:And on the personal side,I lived on the island for 22 years. And I love it there.

她说在Mercer Island已经住了22年了,她非常喜欢这个地方,所以她要继续为这个地方服务。

小元:How about Michael?(Michael你呢?)

Michael Curry: So I’ve been on the Mercer island since 2009. My wife is a second generation islander. We actually live in the house that she grew up in, so it was kind of cool.

(通过翻译雅秋):Michael 说从2009年到现在一直在岛上住……,因为他太太是在岛上出生的,她是第二代,他现在跟她太太住在他太太出生长大的房子里。

Michael Curry:I’m a consultant. I’ve worked with several large technology companies in the region. And with COVID, I work with a company based off Europe right now, fully remote.



Why did you decide to run for a city council member?

Lisa Anderl:Thank you. I am already on the City Council and have been for 2 years. I feel like there is a lot of important work that’s being done right now by the Council, really good work to preserve and protect our community. And I definitely am interested in continuing to serve the community and continue that work.

Lisa说她已经当了两年的市议员了,那么还有很多的重要工作他们正在进行当中,并且还会继续下去,因此她很希望能够有机会继续地为Mercer Island服务,把这些事情完成。

Michael Curry:My entire career has been based around servant leadership. I can’t think of a better way to do that than to serve the folks in Mercer Island on the City Council and be their voice. Over the last 12 years, lots of changes have happened. And I’d like to work with Lisa and other council members as well to help make that change be good and great for everybody.



Do you think your personal experience can help you to be a good City Council member?

Lisa Anderl: Well yes. Because I live in the community so that experience is critical. I also think I understand what the community’s priorities are — clean parks, safe streets, good schools. And that personal experience living on the island and enjoying all of that for myself and my family, I think, is very informative of the kinds of decisions I should be making on the Council.



We are interested to know that you, playing three roles, owner of the bakery, and attorney, and also a City Council member. How do you relate… how those three work together and what’s the common part of the three roles?

Lisa Anderl: Well, I didn’t do them all at the same time because I’m not superwoman. I learned to bake from my German grandmother and I always had a passion for that and making people happy. And I started making wedding cakes for friends and they developed into buying the small business that… I then was still practicing law, and then people were… They worked for me but I worked there on the weekend and so I did that for about 7 years.


Lisa Anderl:Council, well, I’ve done that for two and a half, almost three years. And it takes a fair amount of time but I have not been working as a lawyer since last July — my company had a reduction in force. And so I’ve been able to devote, really, a lot more time to the City Council. While still, I think using all of the skills I have as an attorney — negotiations and complex litigation and strategy — to benefit the city.


Michael Curry:Wow, that’s a tough act to follow.


Michael Curry:My experience, I think, will absolutely help me, that I’ve had in life transitioning potentially onto the City Council. As a former government employee, being in the military, my technical training that I’ve gone through, my personal education, and all my professional leadership experiences, I think will all serve me greatly as being part of the council.



We have special interest in your background because your mother is Korean, your father is Jew. So when you were growing up, what’s your experience between the East and the West?Maybe in your family?

Michael Curry: Being half Caucasian and half Korean, I got to experience both worlds. Sometimes I was like all the other kids, but most of the time I wasn’t. So it kind of taught me early on the differences, right?And how to be more patient and how to be more gracious to folks and maybe how to, maybe explain and make friends and show them what… maybe Korean culture was like, or maybe the culture that my dad grew up was like, and how we kind of blend the two together.


小元:我们进入正题。你们都是在竞选默瑟岛的市议会的成员,那么您觉得Mercer Island面临的主要的挑战是什么?您有没有应对这些挑战的可执行的计划?

Now we are getting into some serious questions. This is about what you think the major challenges of Mercer Island are and what kind of plans we have to work with or to address those challenges?

Lisa Anderl: Well, over the past two and a half years or three years,I have become very familiar with those challenges. We have… on the big picture, we do have aging infrastructure, sewer and water systems, that the City is well positioned to start to upgrade because the City has been very good with its money.


Lisa Anderl: There will be the continuing challenge of meeting the demand for a high level of services with the revenues that the City has. So we need to continue to be very fiscally conservative and not spend money that we don’t have.


Lisa Anderl:And then finally, I think I would say, with light rail going to be running in 2023, we have the challenges of keeping Mercer Island safe and accessible with potential traffic congestion on the North end, and pedestrian safety. And that is why the City is right now suing Sound Transit to require Sound Transit to live by an agreement that was made four years ago about how many buses will run and where they will pick up and drop off people. And so it’s a complex piece of litigation. But the City Council was unanimous in deciding to do this, to preserve the safety and accessibility on the island. Sorry, that was long.

因为2023年,轻轨就要建成了,在默瑟岛就会有轻轨经过。那么因为轻轨的经过,所以默瑟岛的北部就会变得很繁忙,所以那边的安全,包括有什么样的车站,然后有什么样子的其他的公交车行驶,对整个默瑟岛的安全跟便捷都会有影响。那么我们在跟做轻轨的公司Sound Transit也要在打官司,因为他们要遵守四年前和墨瑟岛政府签订的协议,包括每天多少趟公交车、在哪里接送乘客等。这个诉讼有些负责,但是市议会一致通过要和他们打官司,目的是要维护墨瑟岛的安全,以及通达墨瑟岛的能力。

Michael Curry:Everything, I agree with everything that Lisa is talking about as well. And part of what I will be doing when I join the Council will also need to help support existing decisions and existing planning that’s gone on. For instance, infrastructure planning, the water and sewer lines, making sure that we are able to accomplish those goals, making sure that we keep our budget stable and that we’re not spending money where we don’t need to. Ensuring again with the Sound Transit litigation that we have, that public safety is a priority and that they live up to their agreements. And making sure that our parks stay safe for folks to go and enjoy with their children and their spouses and have a good time without them having to worry.



Washington state is reopening today and as a City Council member, what will you do to balance the COVID-19 prevention and economic recovery?

Lisa Anderl: Okay, thanks. So, a lot of the COVID-19 prevention and economic recovery is really being driven at a more regional or national level. But on Mercer Island, I think the communications from the City and the state have really helped keep Mercer Island safe. The citizens have been very compliant with all of the mask-wearing and Mercer Island has done a fabulous job getting vaccinated. I think we’re at over 70% of all eligible people on the island. And then I’ll talk about the economic development in a minute.

好的, Lisa说在默瑟岛,其实不管是新冠或者是经济的复苏,都是一个比较大的范围的,是区域性的或者是全国的。那么在默瑟岛市政府和州政府的良好沟通,也确保了这个岛的安全。在默瑟岛上的所有的居民,一般来说对戴口罩,他们也比较愿意,然后在疫苗方面也已经超过了70%的接种率,所以是在新冠这方面他们做得很好。那么接下来等一会再来谈经济复苏的这一部分。

Lisa Anderl: And then in terms of economic development, right now the City Council is looking at a way to encourage more retail and commercial downtown so that citizens can have their needs met and businesses can thrive. The City has a permanent, I think, well, full-time Economic Development Coordinator named Sarah Bluvas, who did a wonderful job during the pandemic of reaching out to small businesses, coordinating all kinds of special events, and encouraging citizens to shop local.

在经济复苏方面,当然我们需要在城中心的部分,鼓励更多的零售店能够继续努力,能够开张恢复,使得市民的需求得到满足,生意能够繁荣。那么现在默瑟岛有一个差不多是专职的经济复苏方面的一个协调员,她的名字叫做Sarah Bluvas。她做了很多鼓励这些零售店继续维持他们的开张,协调各种活动,然后鼓励默瑟岛上的居民尽量的在默瑟岛消费,能够买当地的东西,这样子的话能够鼓励当地的零售商能够继续下去,不会受到更大的影响。

Lisa Anderl:And one other thing I will add, that I did support hiring Sarah.


Michael Curry:Hi! So, Mercer island continues to follow state and Federal guidelines, including CDC guidelines as well, on COVID-related issues and policies.


Michael Curry:Mercer Island has also been very fortunate to receive some extra funding as part of one of the budget packages that the government had passed. And so we’re using that to make sure that we’re smarter with our budgeting and our planning to make sure that Mercer Island has a very prosperous path moving forward.


小元:我再问一个问题,无家可归这个危机在King County还有西雅图地区都是一个比较严重的问题,然后你们觉得默瑟岛会不会有这个问题,如果有的话会怎么样去处理这样一个问题?

I like to raise a question about homeless people, because in Seattle and King County it’s been a problem. And on Mercer Island, do you think it can be prevented? And if it happens — it should happen, what do you have to solve the problem or to deal with it?

Lisa Anderl: So the Council just passed an ordinance supplementing the law as it already exists. The law, as it existed at the beginning of the year, said that there was no encampment or camping in parks. We expanded that law to say no camping in other public spaces, so sidewalks, like City Hall grounds or anything like that.


Lisa Anderl:So this new law gives our police department the tools it needs to prevent people from staying overnight and also to connect them with services. We have relationships with shelters on the east side — because we don’t have a shelter here — where — and downtown Seattle — where people in need of services can be transported. And I’ll just say some people said that this new law was making it a crime to be homeless, but I personally don’t believe it’s compassionate to have people sleeping in those conditions or living in those conditions, and the compassionate solution is to connect people who need them with services.


Lisa Anderl: I know this is an important issue so if I can just say one more thing about it. Sorry Mike. A lot of cities have the same laws in place and it’s not the laws that make the difference, it’s the City’s policies about whether those laws will be enforced. Seattle has chosen to have policies that does not enforce the law. The Mercer Island City Council, I think the majority of us, if not all of us, but at least a majority for sure working with the Police Chief, it is a very very strong feeling that we will enforce our laws compassionately and fairly but we will enforce them.


Michael Curry:Working and trying to ensure that now the City Council has policies in place that ensure the safety of the islanders realistically comes first, I believe. Working with our partnerships, with other cities that are close to us that have the availability and the resources to ensure that folks who are less fortunate are able to sleep safe at night, are able to get a hot meal. That’s what we’re here to do, right? We’re not here to make people feel bad about themselves. We’re here to make sure they get help if they need it and to make sure that they feel safe also.



Is there any police defuning problem in the island, and if there is such situation, how can the city guarantee the the public safety on the island?

Lisa Anderl: No, that is not a problem on Mercer Island. We just actually made offers to four new police officers who are excellent candidates, who will fill our needs for now and into the next year. So there is nobody I know on the City Council — well, maybe one or two — but certainly not me, I will never vote to defund the police.


Michael Curry: Public safety is a critical topic that defunding and trying to defund the police to make us less safe or to appease, a higher level of politics is just not gonna work. My time on the Council while I am there will be to work with the other Council members to ensure that we never have to have that conversation.



As the Asian hate crimes are surging, what is your stand for the Asian hate crimes?

Lisa Anderl: Well, I mean, they’re intolerable, of course. No rational human being could… I mean, they’re unsustainable, intolerable, and absolutely abhorrent. And I would hope that no one on Mercer Island would ever tolerate such a thing. I believe that it’s just the worst thing in the world for someone to be targeted because of the way they look or where they are from.


Michael Curry:Asian hate crimes or any hate crimes won’t be tolerated during my time on the Council, should I be elected. All voices, cultures, and perspectives, everybody will be treated respectfully no matter what.



Now since you are running for City Council members and at different positions, so what do you think is your best advantage over your components?

Lisa Anderl: Well, I have two opponents and I believe that my advantages are primarily my experience on City Council. And also, because I know all of the issues and I don’t have any learning curve at all. I can continue to do the good work that I’ve been doing, that I think represents what the citizens want. And then also related to that, my practical experience as a lawyer with negotiating and complex litigation, making strategic decisions, looking at loads of data and making decisions based on the data. I think that all of those give me a leg up for continuing in this position.


Michael Curry:I think that my diverse perspectives that I have over a lifetime, between growing up in parts of Asia, having lived in Asia, while in the military, my experiences within the government, within the business world, and the leadership experience I possess, I think, sets me as above my opponent.



So what value will you bring to the Mercer Island City Council if you are elected or are elected again?

Lisa Anderl: Well, like I said, I will be able to continue participating in city business without any learning curve at all. And I think that’s a huge advantage because we have a lot of complex issues facing us. And it takes a long time to get up to speed on them and to make good decisions. And I would actually challenge either of my opponents to look at my voting record and explain how they would have voted differently and why that would have been better for the citizens of Mercer Island. I don’t think they can. So I think that I am the best choice because I’m going to be the most effective.


Michael Curry:My value, I feel, will be listening to the voices of Mercer Island and representing those voices on the City Council. Working with the other Council members such as Lisa, ensuring that Mercer Island has stable growth and that we have a path towards prosperity that we can enjoy now and in the future as well, and helping the Council reach those critical decisions that Lisa had referenced also.



Could you tell the Chinese voters on Mercer Island why they should vote for you? Would you please turn on your microphone?

Lisa Curry: Well, I think I can’t say why Chinese voters should vote for me more than anybody else but one thing that I will say is my family also were immigrants — my grandparents came from Germany. I think it is a wonderful and precious thing when people come to this country, kind of recognizing the United States as a land of opportunity, recognizing the American values of hard work will lead to success and prosperity. I certainly did for my family and those are the values I hold and that’s why I love the country. For the Chinese people who have recently immigrated or chosen to become citizens, I think they probably hold those same values or they wouldn’t be here. So maybe I’ll just leave it at that.


Michael Curry:Chinese voters, to vote for me, because of my diverse background, not only in life, but the fact that I understand sometimes that it’s hard to be in a voice, your opinion or your thoughts or your concerns and not be listened to. So I want to be that voice. I want to be that voice on the Council for folks who feel that way. Right. I want to make sure that they’re heard, that their concerns are heard, because they also make Mercer Island successful and prosperous as well. So I want to be that voice.


小元:我希望可能是最后的一个问题。今天非常荣幸请到默瑟岛的两位市议会的市议员的候选人Lisa Anderl和Michael Curry参加我们的节目,然后我们非常期望他们能够竞选顺利。那么在节目的最后,两位能不能跟我们默瑟岛的华人居民说,说一两句话,比如说有什么建议,有什么你们想说的话跟他们说?

Today we are very happy and honored to have the two of you be on our program. And now it’s getting to the end and we would like to have the chance for you to say something to the Chinese residents on Mercer Island. Or do you have to suggest or what do you have to tell them?

Lisa Anderl: Okay. I just want to say thank you for participating in the democratic process and for voting. And I was too nervous to do this on live on camera so I recorded this, but hopefully it works. Thank you for voting!


Michael Curry:Allow me to be your voice on the Council. Elect Michael Curry and let me be your voice. 谢谢您!

Michael说让我成为你的声音,在这个市议会成为你的声音,请投Michael Curry一票。谢谢你!


Thank you and we wish you the best in the election!

Lisa Anderl & Michael Curry:
Thank you so much! Thank you very much!


Lisa Anderl的竞选网站:https://www.lisaformi.com/

Michael Curry的竞选网站:http://curryformercerisland.com/
